Friday, November 19, 2010

Pumpple Cake Par-tay.

Sweets lovers of the world were in awe when the Today show featured the dessert equivalent of the turducken last month. Created by a little bakery in Philly, the Pumpple Cake is a mammoth of a layer cake, consisting of pumpkin pie baked inside a chocolate cake as the bottom layer and an apple pie baked inside a vanilla cake on top, all slathered with buttercream frosting.

While the average sweet-toother may have started placing orders for the 1,800 calorie-per slice cake at The Flying Monkey, a pair of my food-loving co-workers and I set out on a mission ourselves: to create our OWN, that's right you read it right, our own pumpple cake.

After dividing the prep between the three of us (one par-baked the apple pie, one par-baked-or purchased-a pumpkin pie, and I whipped up some decadent butter cream) we gathered at Tonya's lovely house (and newly renovated kitchen) in Arlington to do the damn thing.

The end result: a delicious, indulgence that probably shouldn't be consumed more than once a year given its ability to put an average person into diabetic shock. Enjoy the play-by-play below:

That is an apple pie.

Covered by vanilla cake batter. 
Now the pumpkin.
Engulfed in chocolate batter. 

Baked in the oven for a lot longer than we expected. 

Frosted with hand made buttercream frosting. 

A little decoration. 
The Bakers. 

That is 1800 calories of goodness people!